The features and place of the entities’ business reputation among nonmaterial values

  • Lubetsky P.M.

    Far Eastern Federal University
    Vladivostok. Russia


Nowadays, classifying the business entities’ reputation as a nonmaterial value does not have unambiguous support in the law science. This determines the relevance of its examination. In this paper the place of the business entities’ professional reputation among nonmaterial values is identified. The author marked out and examined the features of the business entities’ business reputation. On the basis of the conducted research the author came to the conclusion that the business entities’ business reputation is not a typical nonmaterial value, it is used in entrepreneurship, and it is transferable. Thereupon the author proposes to determine companies’ business reputation as a legal entity’s brand identity. 

Keywords: professional reputation, particular partnership, business company, company law, franchise, nonmaterial values, juridical act.